Collection: Lavender for the Kitchen

Cooking with lavender has long been an integral aspect of the "lavender lifestyle." We prepare a range of lavender products for the kitchen and the table to share the extraordinary flavor of lavender with culinary adventurers far and wide.

Both Savory and Sweet

On the savory side of the palate, a simple rule of thumb is that lavender can be added or substituted in any recipe which calls for rosemary.

On the sweet side, lavender pairs deliciously with just about everything! Some of our favorite pairings are chocolate, lemon, berries, apple, rhubarb and pumpkin.

Most varieties of the species angustifolia or intermedia, harvested early in the season, can be used for culinary purposes. We prefer the flavor of Lavandula x intermedia "Provence" and use this variety for our edible products.